Tag Archive: ‘Obama zombies’: Americans sign prankster’s petition to nuke Russia

on June 9, 2015 in World News

‘Obama zombies’: Americans sign prankster’s petition to nuke Russia

‘Obama zombies’: Americans sign prankster’s petition to nuke Russia US journalist Mark Rice has asked the people of San Diego to sign President Barack Obama’s “plan” to nuke Russia to “maintain America’s superiority.” The majority of beachgoers didn’t appear to get the joke, and signed the fake petition. The “experiment” was recorded on video, whichMark Ricethen shared on his Twitter, YouTube and Facebook accounts. “We just need a couple more signatures to support President [Barack] Obama’s new plan to deal with Russia,” Dice tell a random man whom he stops. “We are going to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike.” The… View Article

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