Tag Archive: Parliamentarians Take Part in 4th Annual Parliamentary Outdoors Caucus Shooting Day at the Range

on June 3, 2015 in E News

Parliamentarians Take Part in 4th Annual Parliamentary Outdoors Caucus Shooting Day at the Range

Bob Zimmer M.P. Prince George-Peace River News Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 2, 2015 Parliamentarians Take Part in 4th Annual Parliamentary Outdoors Caucus Shooting Day at the Range OTTAWA –Parliamentarians from all federal parties took part in the 4th Annual Parliamentary Outdoors Caucus Shooting Day at the Range today, an annual event hosted by Tony Bernardo and the Canadian Shooting Sports Association, Phil Morlock and the Outdoor Caucus Association of Canada, and the Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association. Approximately 60 Members of Parliament, Senators, and senior staff made the trip to the Stittsville Shooting Ranges to learn more about… View Article

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