Tag Archive: Protecting Radical Islam

on July 17, 2015 in World News

Elite’s Hypocrisy: Demonizing Southern Heritage, Protecting Radical Islam

Elite’s Hypocrisy: Demonizing Southern Heritage, Protecting Radical Islam by AWR Hawkins f Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez’s alleged July 16 attack on the Chattanooga Navy Reserve Center brought anything to light, it is the elite’s hypocrisy in demonizing southern heritage while protecting radical Islam. After all, no photos have emerged of Abdulazeez holding a Confederate flag, but his Islamic ties are there for anyone who wants to see them. Yet the same elitists who seized on a photo of a Confederate flag as quasi-causal in the rampage against church-goers in Charleston have yet to say a word about Abdulazeez’s belief system. They… View Article

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