Tag Archive: Right-Wing Violence

on December 13, 2020 in World News

Former CIA Officer and Counterintelligence Expert Uncovers Obama Crime Database Hides BLM and ANTIFA Violence But Inflates White, Right-Wing Violence

By Joe Hoft Former CIA Counterintelligence officer Brad Johnson performed a study on a criminal data base that he found overstates white right wing violence while discounting BLM and Antifa violence. In Johnson’s study of the TEVUS database there were a couple notable findings: Terrorism and Extremist Violence in the United States (TEVUS) is a US government-funded database that tabulates violent attacks in the United States. Used by the US government and media alike, it is one of the fundamental sources of information about who is conducting violent attacks in the United States. TEVUS reporting appears to set out to...

By Joe Hoft Former CIA Counterintelligence officer Brad Johnson performed a study on a criminal data base that he found overstates white right wing violence while discounting BLM and Antifa violence. In Johnson’s study of the TEVUS database there...

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