Tag Archive: RIP

on October 31, 2018 in World News

‘RIP, 1st Amendment’: New York City Mayor intervenes to cancel Milo Yiannopoulos university talk

Wading into the murky world of campus politics, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has canceled a talk by conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos at New York University. Yiannopoulos responded by savaging the Democrat mayor. Yiannopoulos was due to speak to a Liberal Studies class on the intersection of Halloween, culture, and politics, but NYU staff canceled the appearance after a request from the mayor himself, for “public safety reasons.” Earlier on Tuesday, New York City Council members had urged the university to cancel the talk, denouncing the “hate” expressed by Yiannopoulos and the event’s proximity to Saturday’s shooting...

Wading into the murky world of campus politics, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has canceled a talk by conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos at New York University. Yiannopoulos responded by savaging the Democrat mayor. Yiannopoulos was due to...

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on August 3, 2017 in World News

Jim Marrs, RIP

The family of Jim Marrs have announced that Jim died on August 2, 2017, via Facebook: From the family of Jim Marrs: Jim died today from a heart attack. We will celebrate his life next month with a Texas size wake at our house. Jim Marrs (December 5, 1943 – August 2, 2017) was an American former newspaper journalist and New York Times best-selling author of books and articles on a wide range of alleged cover ups and conspiracies.[1] Marrs was a prominent figure in the JFK conspiracy press and his book Crossfire was a source for Oliver Stone’s...

The family of Jim Marrs have announced that Jim died on August 2, 2017, via Facebook: From the family of Jim Marrs: Jim died today from a heart attack. We will celebrate his life next month with a Texas...

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on July 2, 2016 in World News

Independence Day, RIP

by Tom Tancredo Why do we continue to celebrate Independence Day each July Fourth when we no longer cherish independence? Someday soon, our progressive politicians will propose celebrating the first Monday in July as Global Interdependence Day, and no one will protest as long as it includes barbecues and fireworks. It’s sobering to ask, who is really celebrating independence? Our schools no longer teach our children the meaning of the Declaration of Independence. Our elected officials no longer protect our sovereignty. Our courts do not recognize or  even comprehend God-given “unalienable rights” for which the patriots of 1776 pledged their… View Article

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