Tag Archive: ROGER STONE Files Two Court Documents – BLASTS FBI and Mueller’s False Allegations that Russians Gave DNC Emails to WikiLeaks

on June 17, 2019 in World News

ROGER STONE Files Two Court Documents – BLASTS FBI and Mueller’s False Allegations that Russians Gave DNC Emails to WikiLeaks

 by Joe Hoft Roger Stone is requesting proof that Russians hacked the DNC server, as was reported in the Mueller report. Stone claims if the Russians didn’t hack the DNC, his case should be dismissed. As we’ve pointed out…. the entire fake Russia collusion narrative was based on the fairy tale that Russia hacked the DNC and then provided emails they stole to WikiLeaks. Roger Stone is out to prove that this narrative is a total fabrication. We reported on May 11, 2019, 2019, that Roger Stone and his legal team requested the report from Crowdstrike, the firm connected...

 by Joe Hoft Roger Stone is requesting proof that Russians hacked the DNC server, as was reported in the Mueller report. Stone claims if the Russians didn’t hack the DNC, his case should be dismissed. As we’ve pointed out…....

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