Tag Archive: Round 2: Hungary PM Orban Launches New Offensive Against ‘Mafia’ Boss George Soros

on October 5, 2017 in World News

Round 2: Hungary PM Orban Launches New Offensive Against ‘Mafia’ Boss George Soros

by Joshua Caplan The Hungarian government is set to launch another offensive against liberal billionaire George Soros. Orban’s “national consultation,” will include new billboards and television spots highlighting Soros’ Open Society activities in the country.  Bloomberg reports; The Hungarian government has resumed its campaign against Hungarian-American billionaire philanthropist George Soros and his support for migration. The government’s “national consultation” includes a survey sent to Hungarian households about a so-called “Soros Plan” — which the government says is being carried out by the European Union — as well as billboards and television ads. Goran Buldioski, director of Soros’ Open Society Initiatives in...

by Joshua Caplan The Hungarian government is set to launch another offensive against liberal billionaire George Soros. Orban’s “national consultation,” will include new billboards and television spots highlighting Soros’ Open Society activities in the country.  Bloomberg reports; The Hungarian government has...

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