Tag Archive: Russian Billionaire: Fusion GPS Funded By George Soros & Mystery Silicon Valley Elites

on March 9, 2018 in World News

Russian Billionaire: Fusion GPS Funded By George Soros & Mystery Silicon Valley Elites

by Joshua Caplan Does Fusion GPS receive funding from progressive billionaire George Soros and secretive Silicon Valley elites? One of Russia’s richest men says the answer is ‘yes.’  Zerohedge via the Daily Caller reports: In a Daily Caller op-ed calling the Russian meddling narrative a “false public manipulation,” Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska claims that Daniel Jones – a former FBI investigator, Feinstein staffer and now a Fusion GPS operative – told the Russian Oligarch’s lawyer in March, 2017 that Fusion GPS was funded by “a group of Silicon Valley billionaires and George Soros.“ Deripaska describes the ongoing “Russia narrative” as nothing more than a scandal manufactured by the deep state. “Wagging the...

by Joshua Caplan Does Fusion GPS receive funding from progressive billionaire George Soros and secretive Silicon Valley elites? One of Russia’s richest men says the answer is ‘yes.’  Zerohedge via the Daily Caller reports: In a Daily Caller op-ed calling the Russian...

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