Tag Archive: syria

on November 4, 2017 in Alternative News - Conspiracy News World News

Libya, Syria, Ukraine – Same Playbook, Same Puppet Masters

By Chris Kanthan Geopolitics becomes a lot easier if we can discern repeating patterns. For example, the common thread through the crises in Ukraine, Libya and Syria is a clever but ruthless playbook of regime-change. This stratagem of toppling governments while appearing noble should perhaps be called the “geopolitics of crocodile tears.” There were times in history when a powerful country would simply invade the weaker ones. Now the elites resort to elaborate Hollywood-style scripts brimming with inspiring heroes, sob stories and altruistic efforts. Here are the simple facts: Libya and Syria were a tad bit too independent and...

By Chris Kanthan Geopolitics becomes a lot easier if we can discern repeating patterns. For example, the common thread through the crises in Ukraine, Libya and Syria is a clever but ruthless playbook of regime-change. This stratagem of toppling...

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on October 12, 2016 in World News

Putin: We know who destroyed aid convoy in Aleppo, Syria

The attack on a UN humanitarian aid convoy near the Syrian city of Aleppo last month, which Washington has blamed on Russia, was actually carried out by one of the terrorist groups present in the area, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said. “It was one of the terrorist groups. And we know that, say, the Americans know it too, but prefer to take a different position, to falsely accuse Russia. This is not helping,” Putin said at an economic forum in Moscow. The aid convoy was attacked on the night of September 20. The International Committee of the Red...

The attack on a UN humanitarian aid convoy near the Syrian city of Aleppo last month, which Washington has blamed on Russia, was actually carried out by one of the terrorist groups present in the area, Russian President Vladimir...

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on January 15, 2014 in World News

Calgary man joined fight after converting to Islam

                          Calgary man  joined fight after converting to Islam Damian Clairmont killed in Syria: Canadian man died in fighting near Aleppo In his last message from Syria a month ago, Damian Clairmont joked about the Canadian winter, saying it wasn’t so frigid where he was. “The ski masks here usually aren’t for the cold,” he told the National Post. Since then, Mr. Clairmont has not responded to questions and a statement posted on Twitter this week likely explains why: the 22-year-old Canadian who left for Syria just over a… View Article

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on September 17, 2013 in Right Edition

The NRA Fights for You – Obama and Syria Spin

The NRA Fights for You – Obama and Syria Spin 1. The NRA was originally not a civil rights organization. The NRA was founded in 1871 after the Civil War by Army and Navy Journal editor William Conant Church (pictured above) and General George Wood Wingate of the Union Army, who were both dismayed at the horrible accuracy of Union soldiers during the Civil War. The original purpose of the organization was for rifle marksmanship training. However despite this, the NRA is the oldest civil rights organization in the United States. 2. The NRA has a history of being for… View Article

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on August 31, 2013 in World News

Kerry Caught Using Fake Photos to Fuel Syrian War

Kerry Caught Using Fake Photos to Fuel Syrian War Secretary of State John Kerry opened his speech Friday by describing the horrors victims of the chemical weapon attack suffered, including twitching, spasms and difficulty breathing. Attempting to drive the point home, Kerry referenced a photograph used by the BBC illustrating a child jumping over hundreds of dead bodies covered in white shrouds. The photo was meant to depict victims who allegedly succumbed to the effects of chemical weapons via Assad’s regime. However, it was later exposed the photograph used had been taken in 2003 in Iraq. It was not related… View Article

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