Tag Archive: Tackle Traffic Blocking Liberal Protesters

on January 26, 2017 in World News

Feel Good Videos of the Day: Portland, Oregon Police Rush, Tackle Traffic Blocking Liberal Protesters

by Kristinn Taylor The videos of Portland, Oregon police officers bull rushing liberal protesters who had taken over an intersection are fun to watch over and over again. About 2 dozen protestors block traffic at 6th and Yamhill. They demand @tedwheeler fire the PPB chief. #LiveOnK2 pic.twitter.com/ByFty15lby — katherine kisiel (@katherinekisiel) January 25, 2017 Videos from different perspectives show protesters blocking light rail, bus and vehicle traffic on a workday afternoon on Wednesday to the annoyance of civilized Portlanders. When suddenly a mass of riot gear clad police officers are seen marching in formation up a street toward the...

by Kristinn Taylor The videos of Portland, Oregon police officers bull rushing liberal protesters who had taken over an intersection are fun to watch over and over again. About 2 dozen protestors block traffic at 6th and Yamhill. They...

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