TEAM CSSA E-NEWS – June 16, 2014
TEAM CSSA E-NEWS – June 16, 2014 COMMENTARY: RON CHARACH – FROM RIDICULOUS TO IRREPONSIBLE Responsible firearms owners continue to read in disbelief the absurd newspaper op-eds and letters to the editor from Toronto psychiatrist Ron Charach. Charach’s anti-gun and anti-government rants might be amusing if they weren’t so immorally out-to-lunch. He claims that all gun violence could be eradicated by taking guns away from responsible gun owners with more legislation. It’s unsettling when a so-called psych professional advocates that sanity can be legislated. One is tempted to warn Charach’s patients that their doctor is a magical mystery tour...
TEAM CSSA E-NEWS – June 16, 2014 COMMENTARY: RON CHARACH – FROM RIDICULOUS TO IRREPONSIBLE Responsible firearms owners continue to read in disbelief the absurd newspaper op-eds and letters to the editor from Toronto psychiatrist Ron Charach. Charach’s anti-gun...
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