The twisted psychology of Covid mask-wearing and why so many Democrats and Liberals STILL wear them everywhere they go
by S.D. Wells The proof is everywhere you turn and look. You will see these folks alone, in their car, wearing their Covid mask. You can witness these sheeple jogging down the sidewalk, alone, wearing their Fauci Flu face diaper. These mysophobia clones believed every single word that came out of Fauci’s mouth, because he is a “disease expert.” Follow the science, as they say. Do everything the Centers for Disease Continuation instructs you to do, after all, that’s the U.S. government talking. Wear your mask. Social distance. Shelter in place. Wash hands with antibacterial stuff every time you...
by S.D. Wells The proof is everywhere you turn and look. You will see these folks alone, in their car, wearing their Covid mask. You can witness these sheeple jogging down the sidewalk, alone, wearing their Fauci Flu face...
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