Tag Archive: “They’re Gonna Want to Hunt – Eradicate Their Opponents.”

on September 5, 2020 in World News

“They’re Gonna Want to Hunt – Eradicate Their Opponents.”

By Joe Hoft Victor Davis Hanson On America’s Future If Democrats Win in 2020 The election comes down to this… Victor Davis Hanson was on with the Hon John Anderson AO, the former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, to discuss the upcoming 2020 election.  The interview was excellent throughout but the key points were made by Hanson at the end of the interview when talking about the upcoming election at the 9:35 mark: We are going to wait and see what happens in November to finish and there’s three or four things that we don’t know what’s going to...

By Joe Hoft Victor Davis Hanson On America’s Future If Democrats Win in 2020 The election comes down to this… Victor Davis Hanson was on with the Hon John Anderson AO, the former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, to...

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