Love Wins: Cosmo Pushes Incest, “This Is What It’s Like to Fall In Love With Your Brother”
How far down the slide will they go? Via Daily Wire: Just a little over a week after it said white girls were forbidden to wear Princess Moana costumes for Halloween, Cosmo managed to out-ridiculous itself by normalizing incest. If you think Cosmo couldn’t top its already off-the-charts insanity, then brace yourself, because things are going to get really gross . . . even by Cosmo standards. The recent article titled “This Is What It’s Like to Fall In Love With Your Brother,” profiles the haunting tale of Melissa, who did not know she had a brother for 40...
How far down the slide will they go? Via Daily Wire: Just a little over a week after it said white girls were forbidden to wear Princess Moana costumes for Halloween, Cosmo managed to out-ridiculous itself by normalizing incest....
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