Tag Archive: “Those Afflicted… Will Be Incarcerated And Isolated Against Their Will”

on September 20, 2014 in World News

“Those Afflicted… Will Be Incarcerated And Isolated Against Their Will”

Quarantine and Martial Law Operational Details: “Those Afflicted… Will Be Incarcerated And Isolated Against Their Will” This is not some plot for a fictional novel Editor’s Note: The the analysis below has been contributed by Dave Hodges and was originally published at The Common Sense Show. Hodges’ detailed research gives us some frightening insights into what a martial law scenario for Ebola or other communicable disease might looks like. Granted, Ebola has not yet achieved the official status of a “national security emergency,” but government procedures for such a scenario already exist. In fact, as noted by Hodges, this summer… View Article

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