Tag Archive: “Trans Rights Or Else” – Trans Advocate Posts Selfie Wearing Sweatshirt With Guns and a Shocking Threat

on March 28, 2023 in Featured World News

“Trans Rights Or Else” – Trans Advocate Posts Selfie Wearing Sweatshirt With Guns and a Shocking Threat

by Assistant Editor Guest post by Victor Nieves Following the horrific murder of innocent Christian children and staff in Nashville, TN on Monday Morning many have taken to social media to rebuke the evil and support the families. Tragically a transgender individual took the lives of six innocent people, three children and three adults. Police have reported that the shooter had a manifesto and plan to intentionally attack the Christian private school she once attended. Unfortunately, some people do not seem to share in our sorrow. Twitter user and apparent radical transgender advocate @LumpofNicoal has opted to instead defend a...

by Assistant Editor Guest post by Victor Nieves Following the horrific murder of innocent Christian children and staff in Nashville, TN on Monday Morning many have taken to social media to rebuke the evil and support the families. Tragically...

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