Tag Archive: Trudeau leaves Canada for two-week tropical vacation in Costa Rica

on August 1, 2022 in World News

Trudeau leaves Canada for two-week tropical vacation in Costa Rica

Keean Bexte Justin Trudeau is taking yet another vacation, this time leaving Canada for half a month to Costa Rica for “personal time.” The Canadian Prime Minister has had a rough few months, meeting protesters at every publicity stop and facing record low approval ratings. Despite a forecast of nothing but rain for two weeks, Trudeau clearly wants to be anywhere but Canada. The last time Trudeau traveled to this Costa Rican paradise was in 2019 when the multimillionaire Prime Minister charged taxpayers $57,000 in vacation-related costs. Until the two-week bender is concluded, it is unclear how much Trudeau...

Keean Bexte Justin Trudeau is taking yet another vacation, this time leaving Canada for half a month to Costa Rica for “personal time.” The Canadian Prime Minister has had a rough few months, meeting protesters at every publicity stop...

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