Trudeau: Welcoming Syrian Refugees is ‘What Makes Us Canadian’
by Mark Tapson That’s great, Justin, but what makes the refugees Canadian? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issued a statement this week in time for Canada’s Thanksgiving Day which emphasized that the holiday is “a time to reach out to those less fortunate – here in Canada and around the world – and lend a helping hand.” He’s talking about the more than 30,000 Syrian refugees Canada has embraced over the past year. “As these and other newcomers celebrate their first Thanksgiving in Canada,” Trudeau urged, “let us never forget that helping those in need is at the heart of...
by Mark Tapson That’s great, Justin, but what makes the refugees Canadian? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issued a statement this week in time for Canada’s Thanksgiving Day which emphasized that the holiday is “a time to reach out to...
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