Citing ‘Overwhelming and Widespread’ Irregularities, True the Vote Sues Michigan to Challenge Election, Calls for Quick Action
By Jeff Reynolds On November 12, True the Vote announced that they had sued Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer to challenge illegal ballots cast in that state. In the press release, they said, “evidence exists to cast sufficient doubt on the current results of the presidential election in Michigan and seeks to invalidate the presidential election results in counties where illegal ballots and ballot-counting were so widespread that the overall results cannot be trusted.” “One of the most fundamental rights that we as Americans possess is the right to vote,” said True the Vote Founder and President Catherine Engelbrecht. “It...
By Jeff Reynolds On November 12, True the Vote announced that they had sued Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer to challenge illegal ballots cast in that state. In the press release, they said, “evidence exists to cast sufficient doubt on...
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