“Trump Chosen By Elite To Be Scapegoat For Massive 2017 Crash!” Says Financial Writer
By Richie Allen In the video below, Richie Allen has an enlightening interview with financial writer Brandon Smith of Alt-Market.com. Smith predicts an engineered economic collapse will happen very quickly into Trump’s presidency. Smith says the agenda is to “Kill the dollar. Bring down the US. And blame nationalists.” Allen and Smith also politely debate socialism versus free markets. Remarkable discussion. Visit RichieAllen.co.uk Visit Alt-Market.com http://www.activistpost.com/2016/11/trump-chosen-elite-scapegoat-massive-2017-crash-says-financial-writer.html
By Richie Allen In the video below, Richie Allen has an enlightening interview with financial writer Brandon Smith of Alt-Market.com. Smith predicts an engineered economic collapse will happen very quickly into Trump’s presidency. Smith says the agenda is to...
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