Tag Archive: Trump Does America a Huge Favor

on October 18, 2016 in World News

By Exposing the Federal Reserve, Trump Does America a Huge Favor

Written by  TNA Video In this video, The New American magazine’s Alex Newman explains what a yuuuge (or huge) service GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump performed by exposing the Federal Reserve and its manipulation of the economy. From touting gold and sound money, to highlighting the damage done by artificially low interest rates and Fed stock-market intervention, Trump has hit on some of the key reasons why this shadowy institution is so dangerous and harmful to America. Trump is also a proponent of “Audit the Fed,” legislation backed by a massive movement that seeks to properly audit the central...

Written by  TNA Video In this video, The New American magazine’s Alex Newman explains what a yuuuge (or huge) service GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump performed by exposing the Federal Reserve and its manipulation of the economy. From touting...

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