Tag Archive: Trump: Hey

on December 15, 2017 in World News

Trump: Hey, Maybe I’ll Pardon Flynn

ByBen Shapiro @benshapiro  On Friday, President Trump signaled that he could consider pardoning former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who has pled guilty to lying to the FBI and who is currently cooperating with the agency in their investigation into Russian election interference. Trump, who was headed to an FBI graduation ceremony, was stopped by the press on his way out. Here’s what he said: President Trump on if he’d consider pardoning Flynn: “I don’t want to talk about pardons for Michael Flynn yet.” pic.twitter.com/J4SE9vaDDX — Dan Linden (@DanLinden) December 15, 2017 This sent the Left into paroxysms of...

ByBen Shapiro @benshapiro  On Friday, President Trump signaled that he could consider pardoning former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who has pled guilty to lying to the FBI and who is currently cooperating with the agency in their investigation...

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