Tag Archive: Trump Is ‘a Phenomenon That Foreign Countries Haven’t Seen’

on July 15, 2018 in World News

Trump Is ‘a Phenomenon That Foreign Countries Haven’t Seen’

by Irwin M. Stelzer Veni, vidi, vici. That’s what Trump would have tweeted en route to a weekend of golf at his courses in Scotland had he not forgotten his high school Latin. Traditional diplomat Nicholas Burns, former U.S. ambassador to NATO, says “The president treated the NATO allies almost with contempt.” Delete “almost” and Burns has it right. But the tone of Trump’s tweets and comments are best understood as the exasperation of this American president who wants to succeed where his predecessors failed—ending that part of the post-World War II settlement that disadvantages America. And if that...

by Irwin M. Stelzer Veni, vidi, vici. That’s what Trump would have tweeted en route to a weekend of golf at his courses in Scotland had he not forgotten his high school Latin. Traditional diplomat Nicholas Burns, former U.S....

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