Tag Archive: Trump Is On Solid Legal Ground In Declaring A Border Emergency To Build A Wall

on February 19, 2019 in Featured World News

Trump Is On Solid Legal Ground In Declaring A Border Emergency To Build A Wall

By Sean Davis President Donald Trump is legally justified in using a declaration of a emergency to use already appropriated federal funds to build a border wall. A review of existing federal laws makes clear that President Donald Trump has clear statutory authority to build a border wall pursuant to a declaration of a national emergency. Arguments to the contrary either mischaracterize or completely ignore existing federal emergency declarations and appropriations laws that delegate to the president temporary and limited authority to reprogram already appropriated funding toward the creation of a border wall between the United States and Mexico....

By Sean Davis President Donald Trump is legally justified in using a declaration of a emergency to use already appropriated federal funds to build a border wall. A review of existing federal laws makes clear that President Donald Trump...

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