Tag Archive: Trump More Popular than Obama at This Point in Presidency

on February 8, 2018 in Featured World News

Trump More Popular than Obama at This Point in Presidency

by John Nolte According to the well-regarded Rasmussen poll (by way of Jim Hoft, who first connected these dots), President Trump’s job approval rating sits at a healthy 48 percent. At this exact time in his own presidency (February 7, 2010), Barack Obama’s job approval rating was just 44 percent. That puts Trump at +4 over Obama. On that same date, a full 56 percent disapproved of the job Obama was doing. On the other hand, only 51 percent say the same about Trump — a +5 point advantage for our current president, and an overall advantage of +9....

by John Nolte According to the well-regarded Rasmussen poll (by way of Jim Hoft, who first connected these dots), President Trump’s job approval rating sits at a healthy 48 percent. At this exact time in his own presidency (February...

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