Tag Archive: Trump Moving to Take Bids on Building the ‘Wall’

on January 27, 2017 in World News

Trump Moving to Take Bids on Building the ‘Wall’

by Chriss W. Street Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday that he expects President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall with Mexico will cost between from $12 to $15 billion, according to a report by Stratfor Global Intelligence. The estimated final cost of that “Wall” would depend on such factors as terrain, the presence of necessary infrastructure such as roads, and the acquirement of land in the wall’s path. Although neither the Senate nor the House leadership has laid out the details as to how Congress or the Mexican government will pay for the infrastructure, Trump appears to have all the...

by Chriss W. Street Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday that he expects President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall with Mexico will cost between from $12 to $15 billion, according to a report by Stratfor Global Intelligence. The estimated final...

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