Tag Archive: Trump Or Hillary?

on January 16, 2017 in World News

Russian Agent: Who Gave US Uranium To Putin, Trump Or Hillary?

By Jon Rappoport Putin controls 20% of US uranium production. That fact is established. But how did it happen? Now that we know Trump is a hard-core Russian agent who has been undermining America on behalf of his secret twin brother, Vladimir Putin, it stands to reason Trump was the one who gave 20% of US uranium to the Russkie leader. Right? I mean, why wouldn’t he? All that uranium was up for grabs, it was there, and Trump somehow engineered the deal. I’m shocked the Washington Post and its CIA pals haven’t reported the story by now. Anybody...

By Jon Rappoport Putin controls 20% of US uranium production. That fact is established. But how did it happen? Now that we know Trump is a hard-core Russian agent who has been undermining America on behalf of his secret...

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