Tag Archive: Trump surges among independent voters

on July 18, 2016 in World News

Trump surges among independent voters

By Kelly Cohen (@politicohen_) Donald Trump has found new support from independent voters, which allowed him to close the gap in a new nationwide poll. According to a Monmouth University poll released Monday, Trump leads Hillary Clinton 40-31 among independents, a 9-point lead just a month after the same poll said the two candidates were tied among those voters. That gain allowed Trump to get within the margin of error against Clinton. Among likely voters, Clinton stood still in July and was the choice of 45 percent of those polled. But Trump jumped up 6 points and is supported...

By Kelly Cohen (@politicohen_) Donald Trump has found new support from independent voters, which allowed him to close the gap in a new nationwide poll. According to a Monmouth University poll released Monday, Trump leads Hillary Clinton 40-31 among...

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