Tag Archive: “We’re Well on Our Way to Statehood” – Paul Preston on Using the West Virginia Model to Create the State of “New California”

on April 12, 2022 in World News

“We’re Well on Our Way to Statehood” – Paul Preston on Using the West Virginia Model to Create the State of “New California”

By Joe Hoft The state of New California is in the works and has been for some time.  This effort uses the West Virginia model of statehood and the US Constitution believes it’s well on its way to statehood.  The people of California have had enough.  They don’t want to be part of the corrupt mess created by corrupt and unconstitutional politicians in California.  So they decided to create their own state using West Virginia’s model for statehood. New California is more than a dream – it’s in the works. Below is the people’s notice that the current state...

By Joe Hoft The state of New California is in the works and has been for some time.  This effort uses the West Virginia model of statehood and the US Constitution believes it’s well on its way to statehood. ...

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