in Right Edition

Guns and gun Control – Women + Gun = Equality

Illinois has the strictest gun control and yet this happens. 10 dead, 50 wounded in holiday weekend shootings Ten men have been killed and 50 other people, including two young boys, have been wounded in shootings across Chicago so far this holiday weekend.
In the latest fatal shooting, a man was shot in the back and died about 3:30 p.m. Sunday in the 4700 block of South Ashland in the Back of the Yard neighborhood, Chicago Police News Affairs Officer Joshua Purkiss said. Another man was shot in the arm and chest and taken to Stroger Hospital, he said.
Gun control does not work, but we all know it is actually about controlling us.

A 30-year-old man with a backpack filled with sex toys and lubricants caused a bomb scare at an Aurora Wal-Mart Wednesday.

Backpack with sex toys creates bomb scare at Aurora Wal-Mart – The bomb squad was called to the parking lot of the Wal-Mart at 3301 N. Tower Road around 6:15 p.m. after a man wearing a backpack acted suspicious when the woman he was with was caught shoplifting, said Cassidee Carlson, Aurora police spokeswoman.
“Police contacted him in the parking lot after security looked in the backpack and saw some liquids and piping,” she said.

Something in the backpack got a “hit” from a bomb-sniffing dog, so the bomb squad was called in, she said.

“There was no bomb, only sex toys,” she said. “The man had active warrants, so he was arrested, anyway.”

The woman the suspect was with was issued a summons for shoplifting and released, police said.

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