in World News

Western promotion of LGBT values a concern’



Western promotion of LGBT values a concern’

A senior Russian diplomat has blasted as unacceptable the ongoing attempts of Western nations to impose their values on other countries, while at the same time infringing on the socio-economic rights of their own citizens.

The urge of Western countries to impose their neoliberal  system of values on the other members of the international  community as a universal basis of living can only cause concern.  This is especially noticeable on the background of their  aggressive promotion of the sexual minorities’ rights,” said  the Foreign Ministry’s plenipotentiary for human rights,  Konstantin Dolgov, while addressing the International Human  Rights Forum, currently underway in Beijing.

Attempts to force other nations into accepting homosexuality and  same-sex marriage as some natural social phenomenon which  deserves support at a state level cannot be tolerated, Dolgov  emphasized.

He added that such an approach was met with resistance not only  in countries that hold to traditional values, but also those that  have always had liberal attitudes to people of non-traditional  orientation. He recalled the protests held in France after same  sex marriage was legalized earlier this year.

In addition, Dolgov noted that the aggressive advertising of  neo-liberal values is often done at the same time with frequent  infringement of socio-economic rights and liberties inside the  countries that pursue such politics.

The speech was made against the backdrop of the massive  international campaign against a Russian act that outlaws the promotion of  non-traditional sexual relations to minors. LGBT activists  around the world dubbed the act ‘the gay propaganda ban’ and  called for protest measures ranging from a boycott of Russian  vodka to a boycott of the 2014 Winter Olympics in the Russian  city of Sochi.

Russian sponsors of the ban and senior officials have repeatedly  noted that the law is not discriminatory and only seeks to  protect children.

The Russian Olympic Committee at some point issued a special  address assuring that LGBT athletes had nothing to fear in Sochi  and that people of all orientations would be welcome in Sochi as  contestants and guests.

Russia has also addressed the International Olympic Committee  with a request to help stop the relentless campaign of  speculation and protests over the issue, noting that LGBT  activists often distort the meaning of the Russian law in their  addresses.

In a recent TV interview, President Vladimir Putin also described  the ban as non-discriminatory and said he was ready to meet with  leaders of the LGBT community to discuss their problems, but had  not yet received any suggestions.

The ban on the promotion of non-traditional sex to children has  also caused some protests and a great deal of public discussion  inside Russia. However, the majority of Russians support it. In  March this year, the Levada public opinion center released the results of the poll that said  that about 85 percent of adult Russians were strongly against  same sex marriage and 87 percent oppose the idea of gay pride  events in their cities.

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