Sales Tax Holiday for Guns – Policing for Profit
Sales Tax Holiday for Guns – Policing for Profit
Annual sales tax free day
Hunters, anglers and other outdoors enthusiasts are getting a sales tax break this weekend.
The Louisiana Second Amendment sales tax holiday began Friday and runs through Sunday. During that time, purchases of firearms, ammunition, and hunting and fishing supplies are exempt from the 4 percent state sales tax and all local sales taxes.
Guns in Canada
The Canada’s National Firearms Association ( NFA ) asks three federal government commissions for full investigation into apparent uses of firearms registry information.
Canada’s National Firearms Association now has evidence and testimony from three cases where Canadian police forces have used information from the long-gun registry that was supposed to be destroyed in accordance with an Act of Parliament.
Today, NFA President Sheldon Clare sent formal complaints to three federal commissions: the Privacy Commissioner, the Information Commissioner and the Commissioner for Public Complaints Against the RCMP.
On April 12, 2012 the Conservative Government announced passage of Bill C-19, Ending of the Long-Gun Registry Act. Bill C-19 required the deletion of all data held by the RCMP and provincial CFOs associated with the non-restricted firearms registration records collected since the coming into force of the Firearms Act on December 1, 1998 (emphasis added). In the RCMP Commissioner’s 2012 Firearms Report tabled in Parliament he reported: In October 2012, the RCMP deleted all (except those of Quebec) electronic records identified as being related to the registration of non-restricted firearms in the Canadian Firearms Information System.…titres-eng.htm
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Policing for Profit
In British Columbia, the government can take away your home, your car and your cash, without ever charging you with a crime.
Most people in BC are not aware of how easily the government can take away their most valuable possessions.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve ever been charged with a crime. In many cases the government doesn’t need to go to court at all!
The BC Liberals have made it easier and easier for police to profit from seizing private property. This trend is called “policing for profit” and it is very dangerous. Policing for profit corrupts police forces and results in policing priorities being set based on their financial gain.
In 2011, the BC government seized two East Vancouver properties worth almost $1 million, because they were used to grow marijuana. The homes’ owner was never charged, and both sides agreed that the homeowner wasn’t even aware that his tenants were growing pot.
First the landlord was victimized by his irresponsible tenants, then he was given a much worse punishment by the government!