in Right Edition

Firearms Changes? – Out of Control CFOs

Firearms Changes? – Out of Control CFOs

Common Sense Firearms Licensing Act has been mixed, but mostly very positive.

Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney’s July 23 announcement has landed in the middle of criticism emanating from both pro-gun and anti-gun extremists, which means it is probably very close to where the Harper government wants it to be. According to social media blogs and widespread media coverage, there appears to be overwhelming support for the minister’s initiatives from gun owners and freedom-loving Canadians.
• Merge the Possession Only License (POL) and the Possession and Acquisition license (PAL)
• End the Authorization to Transport system for target shooting
• Restrict the ability of Chief Firearms Officers (CFO’s) to make arbitrary decisions
• Create a grace period at the end of a five-year license expiry to prevent criminal charges for expired paperwork
• Create mandatory firearms safety courses for first time gun owners
• Strengthen firearms prohibitions for those who are convicted of domestic violence offences

CFO to stupid for Office?

Ottawa’s proposed changes to firearms legislation could possibly mean owners of restricted or prohibited guns would be permitted to carry them around at will, says Prince Edward Island’s chief firearms officer.

Vivian Hayward says she knows very little about the changes, as the province has not been consulted on the proposed federal Common Sense Firearms Licensing Act. But from what she has read in media reports, Hayward says she is concerned over the proposed easing of restrictions for firearms transportation.

“(It’s) just basically one step away from the U.S.-style having the gun on their hip authorization to carry, which people in this country don’t have,” Hayward said.,-prohibited-guns-could-be-carried-on-P.E.I.,-warns-official/1
