in World News

Truth About Crime in Germany Explodes… MASSIVE Number of Refugees Are Suspects

Though refugees make up only a tiny portion of Germany’s population, they reportedly committed nearly 10 percent of all crime in the nation last year.

According to a report in the Münchner Merkur (the Munich Mercury) translated by Breitbart, a frightening number of migrants and refugees partook in crimes like drug dealing and violent assaults in 2016 in the city — in part because such sorts of crime were apparently not taboo in their home countries.

“In some regions from which asylum seekers are coming, it is acceptable to live off of drug trafficking,” Munich police spokesman Marcus da Gloria Martins reportedly explained.

Refugees were also frequently skipping out on public transportation fares because they did not want to spend their “pocket money” on transportation. Apparently, they wanted German taxpayers to pay for their transportation instead — literally, a free ride, in other words.

This sort of behavior was nothing new. In a report published last year, the U.K. Daily Express revealed that refugees committed more than 200,000 crimes in 2015 alone in Germany as a whole. This reportedly marked an increase of approximately 92,000 crimes committed by migrants in 2014.

From 2014 to 2015, the number of crimes committed by refugees in Germany rose by 79 percent, according to Deutsche Welle.

Moreover, according to Breitbart, late last year the German Federal Police reportedly released statistics that showed that the massive increase in crime being experienced by Germany was a direct result of the nation’s migrant crisis.

And the migrants in Germany were doing more than just skipping out on fares and dealing drugs. They were also committing sex assaults, like the infamous New Year’s Eve crimes in Cologne that kicked off 2016.

“Germany’s migrant rape crisis has now spread to cities and towns in all 16 of Germany’s federal states,” the Gatestone Institute reported in August. “Germany now finds itself in a vicious circle: most of the perpetrators are never found, and the few who are frequently receive lenient sentences.”

It does not take a rocket science to put two and two together and reach the logical conclusion that with unvetted migrants comes crime — lots of it — and that a refusal by legislators to put a stop to the refugee pipeline can be quite disastrous for a nation and its people.

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