Over half of Brits believe Brexit must happen and three-quarters think the UK’s immigration policy is too open according to a new study by the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change.
The continuing support for Britain leaving the European Union (EU) is revealed in a poll conducted for former Prime Minister Tony Blair’s own think tank. It comes just days after he told Sky News it is “absolutely necessary” to stop Brexit.
Even more remarkably, despite just 25 per cent of respondents in the poll saying they disagreed with the statement “Brexit must mean Brexit”, Blair said at the weekend that be believed stopping Britain leaving the EU remained possible because “I think public opinion is moving on it”.
The study also found a number of other significant policy points where Brits profoundly disagreed with the globalist former prime minister. As to how Brexit negotiations should progress, the poll finds the largest group supports a hard Brexit, and just one-fifth support a second referendum.
Brexit support remains high https://t.co/sqqXySILo6
— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) June 15, 2017
On this revelation, Tony Blair merely conceded that there is no groundswell for another referendum “for now.”
Opinion was also settled on immigration. Not only did 75 per cent say immigration policy in the UK is “too open”, by far the largest concerns about immigration were terrorism, and negative impacts on the quality of health, housing, education, and other public services.
Also featuring was the concern for rising crime, and “our local culture and identity being eroded.” While the majority felt all immigration was a concern, when asked about specific regions the respondents to the survey named the Middle Eastern immigration as the source of most worry.
This disappointment by Blair in Brexit and the support for it is made clear in the blog post under his name accompanying the research, which states: “There is a slightly anarchic feel to our politics… There is more followership than leadership.
He just doesn’t give up, does he?
https://t.co/1QthGmg4UA— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) July 15, 2017
“We feel like a country which has lost its footing and is stumbling; but seemingly with no choice but to stagger on.”
Blair’s comments and the findings of his foundation’s poll comes just days after he weighed in on the difficulties faced by Theresa May as she moved closer to a so-called ‘soft Brexit’ position, a move that has potentially undermined her leadership as pro-Brexit factions within the Conservative Party possibly moved to remove her.
Remarking on the developments, Blair said “I do feel sorry for her”.