Tag Archive: Britain Overwhelmingly Supports Brexit

on July 17, 2017 in World News

Britain Overwhelmingly Supports Brexit, Border Control, Finds Tony Blair’s Pro-EU Think Tank

by Oliver JJ Lane Over half of Brits believe Brexit must happen and three-quarters think the UK’s immigration policy is too open according to a new study by the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. The continuing support for Britain leaving the European Union (EU) is revealed in a poll conducted for former Prime Minister Tony Blair’s own think tank. It comes just days after he told Sky News it is “absolutely necessary” to stop Brexit. Even more remarkably, despite just 25 per cent of respondents in the poll saying they disagreed with the statement “Brexit must mean Brexit”, Blair said...

by Oliver JJ Lane Over half of Brits believe Brexit must happen and three-quarters think the UK’s immigration policy is too open according to a new study by the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. The continuing support for...

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