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Biden Nominee To Head ATF Was Involved In Waco Massacre, Oklahoma City Bombing, Ruby Ridge and Fast & Furious

Source: news wars

Joe Biden’s anti-Second Amendment nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) has a background ripe with controversy.

Currently serving as a senior policy advisor at former representative Gabriel Giffords’ anti-gun lobbying group “Giffords,” David Chipman used to carry a semi-automatic rifle while raking in a taxpayer-funded paycheck.

The Biden nominee’s government career places him on location or being directly involved in some of America’s most infamous events over the last few decades.

Daily Mail reports that Chipman was “at the Ruby Ridge standoff,” in 1992 near Naples, Idaho.

After the federal government entrapped a man into selling two sawed-off shotguns with barrels shorter than the legal limit, the individual suspected a conspiracy against him and refused to surrender when agents showed up to his home.

In what turned into an 11-day standoff, the man’s 14-year-old son, his wife and their dog were all killed by U.S. Marshals and FBI agents.

The father, Randy Weaver, and his three daughters, surrendered after the mother, son and pets were murdered.

The Weaver family was given $3.1 million by the government as part of a court settlement following the tragic incident.

The very next year, Chipman was directly involved in overseeing the Waco Siege.

Breitbart refers to the Waco standoff as “a big, sexy, made-for-TV siege — a PR move to rebuild reputations after the government’s breathtaking debacle at Ruby Ridge.”

According to his own resume, Chipman was the “Case agent in the Branch Davidian Trial.”

The following image shows the Biden ATF nominee standing over a burning pile of rubble while ironically holding a long rifle.

Somewhere in the ashes behind him laid the remains of some 82 Americans, including 25 children and two pregnant women.

Discussing his involvement in the government-sanctioned slaughter, Chipman lied to Reddit users during an AMA and claimed Branch Davidian members shot down two Texas Air National Guard helicopters using .50 caliber rifles.

In reality, the choppers were fired upon but were never “shot down.”

full story at

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