The Deep State War Against Donald Trump Begins
By Jerome R. Corsi
In a video posted on X on November 7, 2024, two days after the election, Trump detailed a plan to dismantle the Deep State. In this three-minute video, Trump explained how he would take a series of measures to “shatter the Deep State.”
In this video, Trump made the same mistake JFK made when JFK said he was going to break the CIA into a thousand pieces after the Bay of Pigs fiasco. By announcing his intention in advance, JFK signed his death warrant. Trump has now declared war on the Deep State as president-elect.
Because he spoke before he was inaugurated, giving him the power to act, Trump alerted the Deep State that he represented an existential threat to its survival. The bottom line is that the Deep State cannot afford for Trump to become president on January 20, 2025.
Trump put the Deep State on notice that his first order of business was to investigate and prosecute in three areas:
1. The two assassination attempts on his life, with its indisputable charge that some in the Secret Service and Department of Homeland Security showed criminal negligence, forcing those individuals to cooperate with the special counsel;
2. The weaponization of the DOJ, the FBI, and certain intelligence agencies against President Trump’s 2016 and 2024 campaigns and Trump personally, going back to 2015, with emphasis upon exposing the truth about the “Russia collusion hoax” and the Mueller investigation farce; and
3. The voter fraud that stole the 2020 presidential election, based on the discovery of secret cryptographic algorithms embedded in State Board of Education voter registration files to facilitate the creation, hiding, and voting of falsified “voters” to be available for use in various election fraud schemes, with particular focus on mail-in ballot irregularities.
Furthermore, one of the biggest threats to the CIA and the intelligence agencies is Trump’s unyielding determination to declassify documents that will jeopardize many agencies’ existence, including the DOJ, FBI, DHS, CIA, and NSA. The documents released will reveal many hidden intelligence agency conspiracies, including the effort to hide the Hunter laptop story from damaging Biden’s chance of victory in 2020, in particular, the statement by more than 50 former intelligence agents that the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation. Exploring intelligence agency misdeeds and failures back to the 2012 Benghazi terror attack would be a horror show for scores of top intelligence agency officials, as well as Obama and Biden administration senior officials.
The Deep State alternatives are limited: either devise a scheme that denies Trump the presidency, hopefully eliminating the Electoral College in the process, or, if nothing else works, the only other alternative will be to utilize the entire law enforcement and military power of the Deep State to assassinate Trump.