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UN Manager Claims WAR is the Only Way to Make Serious Cash, Says “Lazy” Staff Were Rooting For Nikki Haley For US President Over Trump

Project Veritas released undercover video of a UN manager admitting war is the only way to make serious cash and that “lazy” staff were rooting for warmonger Nikki Haley for president over Trump.

Per Project Veritas:

A United Nations manager of peacekeeping has just said the quiet part out loud: war is good for UN employees. Gagan Vaseer, UN Program Management Officer for innovation and peacekeeping, told a Project Veritas journalist that UN employees only rake in serious cash when wars are raging around the globe. To make things more interesting, he revealed that their preferred Presidential candidate was none other than Republican Warhawk Nikki Haley.

In a meeting with a Veritas investigative journalist, Vaseer pulls back the curtain on the UN’s supposed political neutrality, revealing that behind the scenes, employees favored Hillary Clinton—and more recently, Nikki Haley—for President. According to Vaseer, the United Nations is firmly opposed to Donald Trump’s presidency and doesn’t want him in office.

The United Nations (UN) was founded to maintain peace, foster friendly relations among nations, and promote global cooperation. But according to Vaseer, the UN is failing to deliver on these goals. He claims the organization is inefficient, outdated, and that ninety percent of its employees are “lazy” and “squatting” – collecting paychecks off the suffering of the world.

full story and video at

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