in World News

Globalist Trudeau Went All in With Feeding Insects to Canadians

Embattled Prime Minister Blew $9 Million in Failed Edible Cricket Factory

You are never a complete Globalist leader until you attempt to feed insects to the citizens with some ‘Global Warming’ excuse.

Unpopular Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a bona-fide Globalist poster-boy and would not be kept away from this new hellish fad.

And it makes a lot of sense that Trudeau would waste precious taxpayer money in ‘edible crickets’.

Daily Mail reported:

“Justin Trudeau’s bizarre plan to invest nearly $9 million in an edible cricket factory has backfired after the company laid off two-thirds of its staff.

The Canadian Prime Minister, 52, invested $8.5 million of state funds into Aspire Food Group in June 2022 to help ‘develop innovative ways to meet the demand for more sustainably grown food,’ a press release said at the time.”

The factory opened up in 2023, and it was supposed to hold 4 billion crickets at a time, creating 13 million kilograms of edible cricket protein per year.

Things went down differently, and the company has just laid off 100 of its 150 staff members, according to CEO David Rosenberg.

“Workers told [the press] that they were ‘handed termination letters after our shift’ in a ‘shocking’ move. ‘It is devastating, honestly. Most of us have families, we have rent to pay,’ one worker told The London Free Press. ‘Production has been up and down’.”

Some workers say they were not offered severance pay and are considering legal action.

A quarter of the company’s funding came from the Canadian government, 30 percent came from a loan, and the rest came from equity.

“Aspire’s product is largely being used in pet food supplied in North America, but they were working on deals to get it into human food as well, the then-CEO Mohammed Ashour told AFN in March 2023.”

The company was expected to be operating fully this year, with enough orders to maintain production.

“The company – started by five McGill University students – drew government attraction due to its sustainability as crickets have a lower environmental footprint than meat and dairy.”

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