in World News

Sweden Goes Full ‘Prepper’ as Five Million Residences Get Pamphlets on How to Stock Food and Prepare for Nuclear War

Not since the darkest days of the cold war have we been so close to a nuclear conflagration as now, with US lame-duck president Joe Biden authorizing missile strikes inside Russia, and President Vladimir Putin signing the revised nuclear doctrine.

In Europe, this sense of impending doom is not recent, and it’s even more acute.

In formerly-neutral and pacific Sweden, they have put their preparedness into overdrive as they anticipate the arrival of crisis and war.

Daily Mail reported:

“Sweden is sending out five million pamphlets to residents urging them to prepare for the possibility of war, with instructions on how to stockpile food and even seek shelter during a nuclear attack, as fears grow of a conflict between Russia and NATO.

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, Stockholm has repeatedly urged Swedes to prepare both mentally and logistically for a possible conflict, citing the worsening security situation in its vicinity.”


A booklet, ‘If Crisis or War Comes’, has been sent out by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB).

It helps prepare for emergencies such as war, natural disasters, cyber-attacks and terrorism.

In this pamphlet we find distressing content informing people of the risk of nuclear weapons.

“’The global security situation increases the risks that nuclear weapons could be used. In the event of an attack with nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, take cover in the same way as in an air attack,’ the pamphlet instructs readers.

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