This is a World War and a Civil War
by Bruce Dov Perel MA Ed.
Joe Biden allowed the sanctions on Iran to lifted (unilaterally without a vote) and shortly after Iran funded its proxies (Hamas, Hezbollah, Yemen, and The Houthis) to terrorize Israel. Biden also persuaded Israel to not to take out Irans Nuclear Program thus making a nuclear war more likely.
Joe Biden gave the go ahead to Ukraine to use US made long range missiles to attack Russias mainland. Russia in turn announced that the likelihood of using nuclear weapons was a strong possibility. Putin said that if US provided bombs are used against Russia, He would be considerate an act of war and a nuclear retaliation would be a possibility. Putin is a blood thirsty maniac, what are the chances he is bluffing? Yesterday Ukraine launched 6 US made missiles at Russias mainland. Russia will not give up at any cost. The motivation for Putin starting the war with Ukraine is because in Russia there has been a population shortage for decades. You can’t be a king without a people. The less people than there are less taxpayers. You cannot have resources without people tapping into them. If Russia can conquer Ukraine, they are gaining not just land and resources but people as well
Thousands of North Korean soldiers were deployed to Russia. Russia and North Korea are now allies. If Russia goes to war with NATO (32 Countries including the US and every country surrounding Russia).
Russia has deployed thousands of Nuclear Shelter Tents to its streets. Nuclear Shelter Tents give protection from a nuclear explosion. These tents house 57 people. Why were these tents recently deployed? Russia has the most nuclear weapons of any country by far. Russia is struggling in their economics. Why would they spend so much money on nuclear weapons? Russia also sells their nuclear weapons to countries that sponsor terrorism and allies of Russia. Further pointing to a World War.
Antisemitism has exploded around the globe. Why have we not heard from Joe Biden? Anti Semitism has been a major motivation for many wars. In the US Hamas backed protesters have broken the law, have displayed acts of violence and they have defaced our flag and many of our historic monuments. Why have Biden / Harris ignored this war like prBy ignoring this heinous Anti- Semitism it thus invites more heinous acts by The Radical Islamic Terrorists Hamas. They are testing the limits and have not been told what those lines are. That invites the escalation of these heinous protestors. This type of
Recently, China destroyed US communications cables in The Baltic Sea in NATO Territory. The ownership of communication cables is a major disagreement between NATO and China. China denied responsibility for the destruction of US communication cables although a Chinese tanker ship was seen hovering in the same area that the the US communication cables were destroyed. Destroying a countries property is an act of war. Biden did turn a blind eye and by doing so he has invited more war like actions to be taken against the US.
Within the United Stated Civil unrest has been escalating to level that have not be seen since the 1800’s. Many Governors and Mayors have declared that they will not cooperate with Federal Mandates to deport Illegal Aliens. What happens when these Federal Mandates are ignored? The last time there was this type of non – compliance to federal law was the Civil War and the fight to abolish slavery. We are very close to a civil war. Listening to Kamala Harris’s concession speech she said the words mobilize and fight. Those are fighting words.
Why are the actions and intentions of The Biden / Harris administration continuing to try to cause a Nuclear World War? If the world is falling apart then the people of the world and USA will say help us. The government will then say yes, we are here to help you. The need for government dependence is increased. When there is a greater need for government involvement, the government gets bigger. When government gets bigger the people become more dependent. The Liberal agenda has always been to have bigger government because it gives them more power. That is the root of why people compare Socialism to the Far Left. The Conservative agenda has always been for less government and people are less dependent. It’s a power play by the Liberals to become bigger and more powerful, so that they can win elections. They want to ruin our country, and they want the people to ask, “Help Us” and the big Government responds, “Yes we will help you” .
Why do The Far-Left Liberals want to ruin the World? The Far Left have been linked to having a New World Order Agenda. Some highlights of the New World are a World Dollar. If the US economy crashes and the Worlds economy crashes because war and bad fiscal policies, there will be an opening for the Far Left to interject their agenda for a World Dollar. Proposing to end a World War with a World without borders has always been a staple in the New World order agenda. The UN recently was granted the power to handle world disasters. Joe Biden has accepted this scenario.
There are approximately 60 Days that Democrats and the Far Left have in power. I believe the reports that if Kamala Harris won the election, they were planning to withhold more arms from Israel and forcing Israel into a very bad deal for peace. Almost Every transition in power US History has been smooth. One may say Biden and Harris have been very gracious since Trump / Vance won the election. If the secret agenda of Biden / Harris administration is to cause civil unrest and ignite a World War the last thing they would do is show there hand. The Biden / Harris is showing Peace and Love symbolically to disguise their agenda which is for a World War and Civil Unrest.
These are extremely dangerous times
– Pray and Be Active
News and Notes – All Media outlets are missing the ball they are choosing the election and New Administration the Far Left needs to continue their coverage of The Trump win and his New Administration. The only media outlets that are covering World War 3 is Glenn Beck, Newsmax and Bill O’Reilly. The integrity of our news has declined in favor of money.
Now that MSNBC is for sale I would expect there to be many firings of high priced talent. CNN is also in crisis due to ratings decline. Grab your popcorn, this is going to be fun to watch. It is not just that I mostly disagree with the Far Left the issues my problem with here is that they have displayed mass lying and exaggeration on the 2024 Elections. They called Trump “Hitler, A Racist, a Fascist, Dangerous, and Unstable. that is terrible. I do think the assassination attempts were inspired by the lies and exaggeration by the Far Left.