in World News

Ontario mayor refuses to pay fine or take tribunal-ordered DEI training

By Clayton DeMaine, True North Wire

After a human rights commission fined a rural township for “discrimination” after voting not to recognize June as Pride Month, its mayor is refusing to capitulate to the move he called an act of “extortion.”

According to the Toronto Sun, Mayor Harold McQuaker of Emo, a rural township of about 1200 on the Ontario-Minnesota border, is taking a stand against the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario’s decision that Emo would have to pay  $10,000, plus $5,000 from him, to Borderland Pride, a local Pride organization.

The tribunal found McQuaker’s tie-breaking vote to refuse to declare June as Pride Month to be discriminatory ordered him to pay the fine and undergo LGBT training.

McQuaker did not respond to True North’s requests to comment, although he told the Toronto Sun that he would not capitulate to the demands of the pride organization and tribunal.

“I utterly refuse to pay the $5,000 because that’s extortion…and will not take the training,” McQuaker told the Sun Monday. “I did not do anything wrong. If anybody needs training, it’s the LGBTQ2+ to quit pushing their weight around and make demands that people can’t live with..”

He called the demands “unfair” and rejected the claims of those labelling him a “bigot,” saying he’s a reasonable person and a good leader who would likely have a lot of support if an election were held.


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