in World News

Canada Literally Confiscating Citizens Guns, Sending to Ukraine to Kill Russians

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Canada has fallen into the abyss of tyranny.

Although the Trudeau governments faults are numerous and date back years, a new development — gun confiscation — can be added to the list.

In a video posted to social media platform X by Collin Rugg on Thursday, Canadian Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc announced new gun confiscation measures.

LeBlanc said, “324 unique makes and models of assault-style firearms” which are now on, “the list of prohibited firearms in Canada.”

“This means these firearms can no longer be legally used, sold, or imported in Canada and can only be transferred or transported under extremely limited circumstances,” he said.

In a remark that is beyond parody, LeBlanc told Canadians their seized guns would be going to Ukraine.

“As part of that process, the Government of Canada has committed to the Ukrainian government to identify whether some of these guns could be donated to support the fight for democracy in Ukraine.”

The list of firearms and the official release from Canada’s Public Safety can be found here.

Where to start?

This is not the first time Canada has rolled back its people’s freedom to defend themselves.

In 2022, Trudeau introduced a draconian handgun ban as a, “freeze on the sale, purchase, and transfer of handguns… From now on, people cannot buy, sell, or transfer handguns within Canada, and they cannot bring newly acquired handguns into the country.”

In 2023 Trudeau went further in regulating streaming services in the country by requiring them to register with the government — a move against freedom of expression.


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