in World News

Canada’s ‘Doctor Death’ Has Killed Hundreds Of Patients And Counting

One doctor has murdered more than 430 patients — not counting unborn babies. She is still practicing this twisted ‘medicine.’

Dr. Ellen Wiebe does not heal her patients. Instead, she kills them.

The doctor operates an abortion mill in Vancouver, called the Willow Clinic, where she also performs assisted suicides. In Canada, this practice of doctors killing their patients is called “medical assistance in dying,” or MAID.

“She does abortions during the day, and then she goes out and provides euthanasia to sick old people,” Angelina Ireland, executive director of the Canadian nonprofit Delta Hospice Society, told The Federalist. “Some might consider her to be a massive serial killer.”

Wiebe once operated a family practice but “now restricts her practice to women’s health and assisted death.” She is the research director of the Canadian Association of MAID Assessors and Providers (CAMAP) — an organization supporting doctors who deliberately kill their patients — and sits on the clinicians advisory council for the powerful pro-euthanasia lobby Dying With Dignity Canada.

Canada legalized MAID in 2016, revising criminal code to let doctors kill their patients. Officials updated the law in 2021, removing the requirement that a patient’s death be foreseeable. Groups like Dying With Dignity Canada have since been pushing to expand the euthanasia program to “mature minors,” and parliament has been debating the issue.

In an interview with Wiebe, the disabled actress Liz Carr — a public opponent of euthanasia — asked the doctor if someone like herself would be eligible.

“Liz, right now you love life, and you want to live. But there’s lots of nasty illnesses you might get,” Wiebe replied, breaking out in laughter.

The doctor said killing people is her favorite part of the job.

“I love my job. You know, I’ve always loved being a doctor,” Wiebe said. “But this is the very best work I’ve ever done, in the last seven years. And people ask me why, and I think, well, doctors like grateful patients. And nobody is more grateful than my patients now, and their families.”

The typical MAID process seems deceptively peaceful. A doctor uses three chemicals to kill the patient, administering Midazolam, a sedative; propofol, which induces a coma and stops breathing; and rocuronium or cisatracurium, muscle paralytics. The medications render the patient unconscious and paralyzed, creating a morbid illusion of calm — though the patient is under respiratory arrest.

“After they’re in a deep coma, then we give the medication that stops the breathing and stops the heart,” Wiebe said in a webinar. “They’re in a deep coma, and then it’s over. … They’re such calm, peaceful deaths.”

Alexander Raikin, a visiting fellow in bioethics at the Ethics and Public Policy Center who writes for The New Atlantis, told The Federalist that if doctors fail to follow the MAID regulations and processes specified in criminal code, they void their exemption, and could face charges of assisting a suicide.

“If you fail to follow any of the safeguards or eligibility criteria, you are then not protected through the criminal code exemptions that allow for euthanasia-assisted suicide,” Raikin said. “What Canada’s example shows is that, in reality, it’s impossible to have oversight.”

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