in World News

EFF Leader Julius Malema Calls for Extermination of Whites in South Africa – “Our Revolution Will Require Us to Kill”

South Africa’s EFF leader Julius Malena was again calling for genocide against white South Africans at a rally this weekend.

Julius Malena told supporters, “We must be able to explain to our people what black consciousness is and why it cannot coexist with the idea that white people are inherently superior, and one of the two must die.”

Malema secured a third term as EFF president this past weekend.

Julius Malena: The EFF exists in a country indoctrinated to believe that the contradictions between the African black majority and the white capitalist ruling class can be resolved peacefully and that violence in any form must be avoided and condemned.

This belief is simply untrue. We must explain this truth to our people. When the South African Human Rights Commission takes to court for saying that ultimately our revolution will require us to kill, we must be prepared to contextualize what we mean. When the Human Rights Commission and the Racist Lobby Group take us to court for declaring that we are in a war with white supremacy, we must be able to explain to our people what black consciousness is and why it cannot coexist with the idea that white people are inherently superior, and one of the two must die.


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