in World News

Euthanasia Deaths Surge 16% in Canada


The Canadian government’s official statistics show that the number of citizens killed by euthanasia surged by 16% in 2023.

The alarming figures were revealed in Health Canada’s newly published fifth annual “Medical Assistance in Dying” (MAID) review.

The report shows that a staggering 15,300 Canadians were euthanized in 2023.

The figure totals 4.7 percent of the roughly 320,000 deaths in the country.

The report stated that the majority of the euthanasia deaths, 95.9 percent, were “Track 1” deaths.

“Track 1” deaths are euthanasia requests from a person deemed to have a “terminal” condition.

4.1 percent were “Track 2” deaths, or requests from a person deemed to not have a terminal condition.

Additionally, “assisted suicide” deaths increased 15.8 percent from 2022.

While still large, the increase was smaller than between 2019 and 2022, during which the average growth rate was approximately 31 percent, according to the report.

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