in World News

Masks Coming Back in Blue States as Tyrants Hope ‘Quad-Demic’ Will Scare People Into Submission

Historians and psychologists could spend entire careers trying to explain the phenomenon of petty tyranny.

Whatever its explanation, however, one finds comfort in knowing that many Americans have long since awakened to it.

According to the U.K.’s Daily Mail, petty tyrants in Democrat-dominated states have once again turned to mask mandates, citing fears over what — here it comes — “experts believe” could develop into a “quad-demic” — a “surge of four winter viruses, including Covid and the flu.”

A “quad-demic,” huh? One can already picture the CNN chyron.

RWJBarnabas Health, the largest hospital system in New Jersey, brought back its mask requirement earlier this week.

Several San Francisco Bay Area counties did likewise, extending them through April 2025.

Meanwhile, New York state hospitals have not reimposed mandates, but they have recommended masking indoors. New York City health officials recommended the same for those who use public transit.

Nonetheless, good news abounds.

For instance, according to Dr. Marc Lashley of Long Island, fewer patients have opted for the flu vaccine.

“I’m very concerned that the flu vaccine rate has dropped. It’s really plummeted,” Lashley said.

Could it be that the establishment’s relentless propaganda regarding the COVID “vaccine” backfired, and Americans have awakened to the lies?

Perhaps the flu vaccine, in particular, does more good than harm. It might. But the scientific and medical establishment so thoroughly beclowned itself during the COVID scare that it lost many Americans’ trust.

full story at

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