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Canada’s Commie Soy Boy Trudeau Slithers Off to Ignominy

by Stephen Kruiser

Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. I always felt that Crackle never really got along well with Snap and Pop.

One of the many things about President-elect Donald Trump that drives his haters on the Left crazy is that he has a genuine personality that people are drawn to. Leftists like to believe that only their politicians can have the rock star vibe. The thing is, theirs are manufactured. With generous assists from friends in the media, lefties create personalities for their mediocrities out of whole cloth.

It’s this way with leftist politicians all over the world. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a classic example. Ever since the legacy brat rose to power a little over nine years ago, media hacks on both sides of the border have portrayed him as the coolest politician in the history of cool. They had to give it the hard sell, given that Trudeau seems like the kind of guy who cries while watching Hallmark Channel movies as he nurses a skinny margarita.

Well, we won’t have Justin Trudeau to kick around much anymore. This is from my friend John Sexton at HotAir:

Ed pointed out this morning that this was coming. Initially word was that it would happen Wednesday but that obviously changed, perhaps because Trudeau’s plans leaked to the media last night. So instead of waiting two more days he made the announcement this morning. After nearly a decade in power, Trudeau is finally done.

The writing has been on Trudeau’s wall for a while now. It’s amazing that he’s lasted this long. I don’t know how they do politics up in the semi-fictional country of Canada, but whatever it is that lets a tyrannical commie like Trudeau remain in power for almost a decade isn’t good.

Matt Taibbi knocked it out of the park on his Substack with the headline “Woke Elvis Resigns.” Here’s a little excerpt from that:


full story at

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