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Top Experts Debunk Claims That Covid ‘Vaccines’ ‘Saved Millions’


The official narrative that Covid mRNA “vaccines” saved millions of lives has now been officially debunked.

The claims have now been investigated by top researchers from the UK’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine in Oxford.

Professor Carl Heneghan and Tom Jefferson examined the claims and detailed their findings in a piece for The Spectator.

The article outlines the “implausible” findings of the modeling study that is widely referenced as proof that Covid injections saved upwards of 12 million people.

It was the BBC that first made the claim that AstraZeneca and Pfizer had together developed “medicines” that saved the lives of millions of people.

The public-funded left-wing “news” outlet cited the findings of a “disease forecasting company” called Airfinity.

Similar claims were also made about America’s mass vaccination campaign when mRNA injections were first rolled out for public use in early 2021.

A study by Imperial College London calculated that Covid “vaccines” saved 20 million lives between December 2020 and December 2021.

The study was based on the false assumption that the mRNA shots conferred protection against COVID-19 infection.

Alarmingly, the claims were repeated by media outlets around the world without ever providing any supporting evidence.

Heneghan and Jefferson downloaded and evaluated official data to examine the country-specific estimates procured in order to assess whether or not they are realistic.

They looked at figures for the UK, Italy, and the United States.

Following their investigations, they found that the figures claimed as evidence that Covid shots worked had been fabricated.


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